Monday, March 2, 2009

Hey, it's March!

I had a small party on Friday... about 10 people came... it was really fun!

Sunday was graduation... it was pretty boring. I skipped the teachers' party that night because I just didn't feel like going... and I was being lame. Oh well - there will be others.

The entire school had to attend graduation and teachers had to be there for an entire working day (although, my supervisor let me leave around 1pm... before I told him I wasn't going to the party at night because he thought that I was... ha...). Since Sunday was a working day, all schools that had graduation yesterday now have a "substitute holiday" today - Monday. All I've done today is sleep in, go to the grocery store, watch movies and tv online, and eat cookies and pizza. I might do laundry later, but that's about all I have planned.

One last thing before I get back to my tv shows and cookies:

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