Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Japanese Jehovah's Witnesses

A Japanese Jehovah's witness just rang my doorbell and woke me up on my day off (it's a national holiday today). She wouldn't leave me alone even after I told her I didn't understand most of what she was saying. She did say "oh, you have a day off from work, that's nice." I didn't realize she was a Jehovah's witness at first because she was really sneaky and sly about pulling her Bible out... but I kept thinking, oh no, I think this is a Jehovah's witness because she's beating around the bush. At one point she opened it and read a passage to me... which I didn't understand at all. After I told her again "分かりません" (I don't understand), she then started asking me about marriage and if I was married.

Two male Jehovah's witnesses came to my door back when I first arrived. With them, though, I recognized that they were Jehovah's witnesses so I started out speaking English and only English and then quickly shut the door. They didn't pull their Bibles out immediately or anything, they just had that look. The 2 men and this woman creepily reminded me of how Jehovah's witnesses back home are... they act the same, look the same, etc etc etc... they're just using a different language and they're Asian instead of white... it's weird.

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